Codice: ML70085(2)(2) |
Piano - Voce - Accordi Canto e Pianoforte Autore:Gershwin George Titolo:Rediscovered Gershwin classic Pagine:196 Editore:Warner bros
CONTENUTO: At half past seven -- Ask me again -- Come to the moon -- Beautiful gypsy -- Beneath the eastern moon -- By and by -- Dear little girl -- I found a four leaf clover -- Dixie Rose -- Do what you do! -- Ev'rybody knows I love somebody -- Got a rainbow -- Harlem serenade -- Hey! Hey! Let 'er go -- Idle dreams -- I'd rather Charleston -- Innocent lonesome blue baby -- In the Mandarin's orchid garden -- On my mind the whole night long -- I've got to be there -- Just to know you are mine -- The life of a rose -- Midnight bells -- Nashville Nightingale -- She's just a baby -- Naughty baby -- Oh Gee!-Oh joy! -- Oh, so nice -- Pepita -- Rose of Madrid -- Say so! -- Scandal walk -- So are you! -- Snow flakes -- Somebody from somewhere -- Some far-away someone -- Somehow it seldom comes true -- Something about love -- The songs of long ago -- The sunshine trail -- Tell me more! -- Till then -- Under a one-man top -- Vodka -- Yankee doodle rhythm --Year after year -- You are you -- You've got what gets me -- Sunday in London town -- So what?
Prezzo: € 24,80