Codice: EMBZ13534 |
Flauto e Pianoforte AA VV 300 Years of flute music The Italian baroque Das Italiensche barock Az olasz barokk Edited by MARIASSY ISTVAN Editore:Editio musica Budapest
The series 300 YEARS OF FLUTE MUSIC was compiled with the history of music and the instrument in mind. The Early Baroque (Z. 13533) presents the beginnings, the Italian Baroque (Z. 13534) collates the Mediterranean style with the German, French and Netherlandish art of The High Baroque (Z. 13535). The volume entitled The Second Half of the 18th Century (Z. 13536) illustrates the end phase of the Baroque as well as the rise of Classicism. The Vienna Classics (Z. 13537) draws on the works of the "three great masters" only. The two volumes of Romantic Flute Virtuosos (Z. 13538 and Z. 13539) contain works by German and French composers.
Contenuto: 1. Marcello, Benedetto: Sonata in A minor op. 2 no. 10 2. Veracini, Francesco Maria: Sonata in E minor: Largo 3. Bellinzani, Paolo Benedetto: Sonata in D minor: Adagio and Allegro op. 3 no. 2 4. Bononcini, Giovanni Maria: Arie da camera op. 7 5. Geminiani, Francesco: Sonata in D major 6. Castrucci, P.: Sonata in C major: Siciliano 7. Vivaldi, Antonio: Concerto in F major La tempesta di mare RV 433
Prezzo: € 9,80