Codice: HL50338420 |
Canto e Pianoforte
Autore:Saint - Saens Camile Titolo:Samson and Dalilah (Sansone e Dalila) Pagine:272 pag. Editore:Schirmer - Hal Leonard Samson and Dalilah Opera in Three acts Libretto by FERDINAND LEMAIRE English traslation by WALTER DUCLOUX Testo:Inglese e Francese
Song List: Ah, you, love that pains (Saint-Saens) And so the evil seed (Saint-Saens) Call Again On Your Wanton God (Saint-Saens) Darkest woe (Saint-Saens) Glory and honor be! (Saint-Saens) God! Father on high! (Saint-Saens) Hear me, as I curse (Saint-Saens) I, too, had to come here (Saint-Saens) Let us rise (Saint-Saens) Mon Coeur S'ouvre A Ta Voix Pray to God on your knees (Saint-Saens) Printemps Qui Commence (Saint-Saens) The rays of the dawn (Saint-Saens) The Voices Of Spring (Saint-Saens) Weak you are (Saint-Saens)
Prezzo: € 38,90