Codice: EMBZ12311 |
Violino e Pianoforte Edited by Szeredi-Saupe Gusztáv, Vermes Mária Instrument:Violin and Piano Serie:300 Years of Violin Music Genere:Pedagogical performance pieces Lingua:English, German Pagine:64 Prima pubblicazione:1983 Editore:Editio Musica Budapest
CONTENUTO: 1. Haydn, Joseph: Sonata in G major Hob. XV: no. 32 2. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Six Variations on the French Song Au bord d'une fontaine (..Hélas, j'ai perdu mon amant) KV 360 (374b) 3. Beethoven, Ludwig van: Sonata in A major op. 12 no. 2
Prezzo: € 11,50