Codice: ED21712 |
Canto e Pianoforte Spirituals & Gospel im unterricht
Spirituals & Gospels for aspiring singers Spirituals & Gospels en classe de chant
33 Songs for high voice and piano voice and piano - English editor: Frank, Bernd Editore: Schott Music Prodotto: Schott VOCAL Difficile: easy pagine: 112
This edition is suitable for lessons and for preparing for entrance exams in the subsidiary subject of singing for school or church music as well as for concert performances. The pieces impart the specific techniques of gospel singing.
- Amazing grace - Balm in Gilead - Calvary - Chilly water - Down by the riverside - Ev'ry time I feel the spirit - Gimme that old time religion - Go down, Moses - Good news - Go, tell it on the mountain - He's got the whole world - I'm gonna sing - It's a me - I've got a shoes - Joshua fit the battle of Jericho - Kumbayah, my Lord - Michael row the boat ashore - My Lord, what a morning - Nobody knows the trouble I've seen - Oh Freedom - Oh happy day - Oh Peter, go ring them bells - Oh, when the saints - Rock my soul - Roll, Jordan, roll - Somebody's knocking at your door - Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Steal away - Swing low - The Gospel train - This little light of mine - Wade in the water - Where you there
Prezzo: € 24,60