Codice: LSN0016 |
Magnete Nome Prodotto:Fridge Magnet - Keep Calm & Sing Calamita - Magnete
Questo magnete Fridge Magnet di Keep Calm & Sing fa parte della gamma di regali musicali Little Snoring.
Questo divertente magnete per frigoriferi ti ricorderà costantemente che ogni volta che il blues ti abbatte, ogni volta che le scadenze ti sopraffanno, puoi sempre cantare quei problemi, mettendo dietro di te i cattivi sentimenti in favore della creatività e della bellezza di una grande melodia.
This Keep Calm & Sing design Fridge Magnet is part of the Little Snoring music gift range. This quality range of gifts includes kitchenware, stationary, gift wrap, greeting cards and much more.
The act of singing can serve many purposes, it can be a stress release, a way of training your voice, or just a way to keep you calm amidst the various stresses of everyday life. This fun Fridge Magnet will be a constant reminder that whenever the blues get you down, whenever those deadlines get on top of you, you can always sing those troubles away, putting any bad feelings behind you in favour of creativity and the beauty of a great melody.
Browse the whole range and show your musical flair with this tasteful range of music gifts.
Prezzo: € 2,90