Codice: SF6504 |
Violino Autore:Crickboom Mathieu Titolo:The Technique of the Violin 1 La Tecnica del Violino 1 La Technique du Violon 1 Die Technik des Violinspiels 1 Exercises, Scales and Arpeggios for the first position in all the Tones Language: German - English - French - Spanish Pagine:36 Editore:Schott
Complement of the three first books of the method "The Theory and Practice of the Violin" by the same author.
CONTENUTO: Content text: Exercises Of the chromatic scales Of the second augmented Of the seventh diminished Exercises in all the tones Changes of string Arpeggios Changes of string Scales in all the tones and study of fundamental bow strokes Arpeggios in all the tones Scales, arpeggios and broken accords in all the tones using different bow strokes
Prezzo: € 18,00