Codice: SF6506 |
Violino Autore:Crickboom Mathieu Titolo:The Technique of the Violin 2 La Tecnica del Violino 2 La Technique du Violon 2 Die Technik des Violinspiels 2 Exercises, Scales and Arpeggios for the first position in all the Tones Language: German - English - French - Spanish Pagine:38 Editore:Schott
Complement of the three first books of the method "The Theory and Practice of the Violin" by the same author.
CONTENUTO: Exercises of fingers Extension. 1st position The diminshed fifth The shake. Double strings Broken chords and double stopping Changes of position. Minor seconds, major seconds, minor thirds (Continuation) Marjor thirds, minor and major thirds. The portamento Extensions. Third position. Major and minor scales in the three first positions Changes of position (1st-4th position) Changes of position (1st-3rd-5th positions) Changes of position by changing the finger Major and minor scales in the six first positions Scales and arpeggios Arpeggios. Chords of the diminished 7th Arpeggios. Scales by tones Double stopping. Thirds Double stopping. Sixths Double Stopping. Fourths Double Stopping. Fifths Double Stopping Octaves Arpeggios and Chords
Prezzo: € 20,00