Codice: DVD1661 |
Chitarra.Dvd. A modern method for guitar with Larry Baione
For Use in Both Windows and MacIntosh Computers!
For use in computers ONLY, this is not for use in a DVD player. For Use in Both Windows and MacIntosh Computers! For use in computers ONLY, this is not for use in a DVD player. For Use in Both Windowsand MacIntosh Computers! For use in computers ONLY, this is not for use in a DVD player. A Modern Method for Guitar by William Leavitt, is one of the world's most popular guitar methods. It is the basic text for Berklee College of Music's guitar program. It has stood the test of time and earned a vast and loyal following of dedicated guitar students and instructors for over 40 years.
This DVD-ROM version of this proven method is the most comprehensive guitar method DVD-ROM on the market. The instruction on this DVD-ROM is equivalent to a year's worth of guitar lessons at Berklee College of Music! You will be guided through 14 complete lessons with Larry Baione, Chair of Berklee's Guitar Department. 14 Hours of instruction include on-screen
Prezzo: € 39,50