Codice: OFB16 |
The Delightful Companion Solo Pieces ABFL - soprano- or treble recorder editor: Linde, Hans-Martin composer: Carr, Robert preface: Linde, Hans-Martin
Contiene: - Ayre (C-Major, d-Minor) - Ayre slow (d-Minor) - A Farewell Tune (a-Minor) - A Trumpet Tune (c-Minor) - Marche (C-Major) - Tune (C-Major) - Ayre very brisk (c-Minor) - Ayre (g-Minor) - Tune (g-Minor) - Ayre (g-Minor) - Round (F-Major) - Theatre Tune (d-Minor) - Menuett (d-Minor) - Ayre Mons. Peasable (Jaques Paisible) (d-Minor) - Heersthat will chaling all the Faire (H. Purcell) (F-Major)
Prezzo: € 12,60